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Belarus |
last update: 15.04.2021
1. Law on metrology
Law of the Republic of Belarus of September 5, 1995 No. 3848-XII "On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements" (as amended by Laws of the Republic of Belarus of 11.11.2019 No 254-З).
2. Metrological infrastructure
Gosstandart is a public administration body, maintaining the common public policy in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements.
Gosstandart establishes the State Metrology Service, which includes the National Metrology Institute and other legal entities, subordinate to Gosstandart and authorized by it for testing for the purpose of approval of the type of measuring instrument or reference material and for performing works on the metrological test in the field of legal metrology.
For ensuring the uniformity of measurements metrology services of public authorities, of legal entities, subordinate to public authorities, and of other legal entities can be established in the Republic of Belarus.
For ensuring the uniformity of measurements an Intersectoral Commission for Time, Frequency and Determining the Parameters of the Earth's Rotation has been established in the Republic of Belarus, which coordinates activities related to the procedure for calculating time on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, use of measuring instruments for reference frequencies and time, as well as determination of the parameters of the Earth's rotation.
Temporary intersectoral commissions can be established to deal with operational issues in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements.
National information fund of the Republic of Belarus in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements: http://www.oei.by
The Sate Metrology Service is headed by a National Metrology Body - State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus (Gosstandart of Belarus).
Chairperson: | Mr. Valentin Tataritsky |
Address: | 93 Starovilensky Trakt, 220053, Minsk, Republic of Belarus |
Telephone: | +375 17 379 62 13 |
Fax: | +375 17 363 25 88 |
E-mail: | belst@gosstandart.gov.by |
Web: | https://gosstandart.gov.by |
The major activities of Gosstandart are as follows:
- coordination of activities, related to the creation and operation of the System of Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements of the Republic of Belarus;
- ensuring of the establishment and maintenance of the State Metrological Service;
- making of proposals to the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus on the allowance for application of the quantity units measurement in the Republic of Belarus;
- setting of requirements to national measurement standards of quantity units and measurement standards of quantity units, as well as rules for their development, approval, update and maintenance and use; approval of national measurement standards of quantity units;
- setting of requirements for measurement techniques (methods) to be applied in measurements in legal metrology, for rules of their development and application;
- setting requirements for determining the quantity of prepackages;
- arranggement for the creation and maintenance of the State Information Fund for ensuring the uniformity of measurements;
- performance of state metrological supervision in accordance with the legislation on control (supervisory) activities;
- identification of a legal entity from among the legal entities, subordinate to it, to act as the national metrology institute and a body for accreditation of legal entities and sole proprietors, conducting verification and (or) calibration;
- approval of the requirements to be met by the legal entities, that perform state verification and (or) calibration of measuring instruments, used in measurements in legal metrology;
- approval of the requirements for the competence of state verification officers and the procedure of its confirmation;
- approval of the accreditation rules, which regulate procedures and other issues of accreditation of legal entities and sole proprietors, performing verification and (or) calibration;
- approving the procedure for the certification of state inspectors on state metrology supervision;
- approval of criteria and procedure for assigning technical devices to measuring instruments;
- approval of the rules for conducting metrological audit;
- approval of a model regulation on a metrology service;
- making of decisions on assigning technical devices to measuring instruments;
- approval of the regulation on the authorization of legal entities, belonging to the state metrology service, for testing for the purpose of approval of the type of a measuring instrument or reference material, for performing works on the metrological test in the field of legal metrology, other legal entities for performing state verification and authorization of legal entities for performing the above activities;
- defining of a list of categories of measuring instruments, representing a combination of measuring instruments having the same function, used in measurements in legal metrology, the specimens of the approved type of which are subject to state verification with a set frequency;
- adoption of an Order for the type approval of a measuring instrument or reference material, issue certificates of the type approval certificates for measuring instrument or reference material;
- defining of the form of metrological traceability in approving national measurement standards of quantity units and in approving the type of a measuring instrument;
- defining of the form and procedure for the application of type approval marks of measuring instruments, approval of the type of a reference material, verification, calibration;
- taking of actions on the recognition of national measurement standards of quantity units by foreign states, as well as on the realization of mutual recognition of the results of testing for the purpose of approval of the type of a measuring instrument or reference material, results of verification and (or) calibration, qualification of measurement procedures (methods) based on international agreements of the Republic of Belarus, and the law of the Eurasian Economic Union;
- participation in the preparation and consideration of draft resolutions and recommendations of the Eurasian Economic Commission, carrying out procedures of the cancellation or changing of the resolutions, adopted by the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission, and preparation of initiatives for consideration during the meetings of the Council of Eurasian Economic Commission and (or) the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission, interaction with public authorities (organizations), other organizations on these issues;
- conclusion of international contracts of interdepartmental nature of the Republic of Belarus within the scope of its powers;
- representation of the Republic of Belarus in international organizations on metrology as the national body on metrology within the scope of its powers.
The State Metrology Service includes BelGIM, BelGISS and 15 regional metrological centers of Gosstandart (Decree of Gosstandart of 27.11.2020 No. 76 "About State Metrology Service").
National Metrology Institute of the Republic of Belarus Belarusian State Institute of Metrology (BelGIM).
Chairperson: | Mr. Aleksandr Kazachok |
Address: | 93 Starovilensky Trakt, 220053 Minsk, Republic of Belarus |
Telephone: | +375 17 374 55 01 |
Fax: | +375 17 244 99 38 |
E-mail: | info@belgim.by, coomet@belgim.by |
Web: | http://www.belgim.by |
The major activities of BelGIM are as follows:
- development of scientific-methodological and procedural basis of the system for assuring the uniformity of measurements of the Republic of Belarus (SAUM);
- conduct of fundamental and applied scientific research in metrology;
- participation in formulation and implementation of the concepts of development of the State Metrology Service;
- participation in the improvement of legislation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements, in the preparation of draft documents, constituting the law of the Eurasian Economic Union (if the Republic of Belarus is identified as the party, responsible for the preparation of such drafts in accordance with the law of the Eurasian Economic Union);
- preparation of draft state scientific and technical programs, aimed at the preparation and upgrade of national measurement standards of quantity units and at the implementation of program tasks;
- making of proposals on the development of innovative projects in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements, aimed at the establishment and improvement of the measurement standard base of the Republic of Belarus, and participation in their implementation;
- examination of measurement standards of quantity units and submission of measurement standards for approval as national measurement standards of quantity units based on the results of examination;
- maintenance of national measurement standards of quantity units, organization of comparisons of national measurement standards of quantity units with international measurement standards of quantity units or with national measurement standards of quantity units of foreign states, ensuring the verification and (or) calibration of national measurement standards of quantity units;
- performance of works on the recognition of national measurement standards of quantity units by foreign states, inter alia as part of implementation of multilateral agreements, signed by the Republic of Belarus, by national metrology institute;
- preparation and issue of recommendations in the field of metrology;
- coordination and scientific and methodological support of comparisons of measurement results;
- performance of works on metrological test in legal metrology (testing for type approval of a measuring instrument or reference material, verification, calibration, metrological examination, certification of measurement procedures (methods), comparisons of measurement results);
- interaction with the legal entities, belonging to the state metrology service, metrology services of public authorities, of legal entities, subordinate to public authorities, and of other legal entities;
- creation and maintenance of the State Information Fund for ensuring the uniformity of measurements, cooperation with the media on the issues of ensuring the uniformity of measurements;
- participation in the work of international and regional organizations on metrology within the scope of the powers, specified by Gosstandart.
3. National measurement standards
63 national measurement standards.
4. Status of participation in Metre Convention
Member of the Metre Convention since 2020.
The Mutual Recognition Agreement (CIPM MRA) is signed by:
Gosstandart of the Republic of Belarus (October 14, 2003)
Designated Institute: BelGIM
(Has the right to use the CIPM MRA logo since November 13, 2006)
The Mutual Recognition Agreement (CIPM MRA) is signed by:
Gosstandart of the Republic of Belarus (October 14, 2003)
Designated Institute: BelGIM
(Has the right to use the CIPM MRA logo since November 13, 2006)
5. Certificates of recognition of QMS of NMIs (within COOMET)
BelGIM QMS certificate of recognition (ISO/IEC 17025): QSF-R82 until 30.09.2026
BelGIM QMS certificate of recognition (ISO 17034): QSF-R83 until 30.09.2026
BelGIM QMS certificate of recognition (ISO 17034): QSF-R83 until 30.09.2026
6. Status of Calibration and measurement capabilities (CMC data)
KCDB database: https://www.bipm.org/kcdb/cmc/quick-search?keywords=belarus
COOMET database: http://www.coomet.org/DB/com/index.htm?RU,CMC_RU,RU
7. OIML membership status