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Ukraine |
last update: 15.04.2021
1. Law on metrology
The Law of Ukraine No. 1314-VII from 5 June 2014 "On Metrology and Metrological Activity".
2. Metrological infrastructure
The metrology system of Ukraine includes:
- National Metrology Service;
- legal and regulatory framework, including legislative acts, technical regulations and other legal and regulatory acts that govern the relations in the field of metrology and metrological activity;
- National Standards Base and the system of transferring the sizes of the units of measurement;
- system of voluntary accreditation of calibration laboratories, as well as the system of accreditation of testing laboratories and conformity assessment bodies;
- educational institutions, scientific and research institutions and organizations that disseminate knowledge and experience in the field of metrology and metrological activity.
The National Metrology Service includes:
- central executive body that ensures the formation of the state policy in the field of metrology and metrological activity;
- central executive body that realizes the state policy in the field of metrology and metrological activity;
- central executive body that realizes the state policy in the field of metrological supervision;
- scientific metrology centres;
- state enterprises in the field of the Ministry for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine � metrology centers;
- State Service of Universal Time and Reference Frequencies;
- State Service of Reference Materials of Composition and Properties of Substances and Materials;
- State Service of Reference Data on Physical Constants and Properties of Substances and Materials;
- metrology services of the central executive bodies, other state bodies, enterprises and organizations;
- bodies of conformity assessment of measuring instruments and verification laboratories.
All the activities on ensuring the functioning and development of metrology system are coordinated by the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine..
Minister: | Mrs. Yuliia Svyrydenko |
Address: | 12/2 Grushevskogo Str., Kyiv, 01008, Ukraine |
Telephone: | +38 044 528 92 27 |
Fax: | +38 044 528 90 14 |
E-mail: | meconomy@me.gov.ua |
Web: | http://www.me.gov.ua |
One of the activities of the Ministry of Economic of Ukraine is to provide the development and realization of the state policy in the field of technical regulation (standardization, metrology, certification, conformity assessment (confirmation), accreditation of conformity assessment bodies, quality management), including:
- provision of statutory regulation in the field of metrology and metrological activity;
- organization of conducting the fundamental researches in the field of metrology;
- provision of maintenance and improvement of the National Standards Base;
- development or participation in the development of the state scientific and scientific-technical programs related to ensuring the uniformity of measurements;
- representation and participation of Ukraine in the activities of international, European and other regional metrology organizations;
- exercising of other powers established by the laws and imposed on it by the acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
National Scientific Centre �Institute of Metrology� (NSC �IM�)
General Director: | Prof. Pavel Neyezhmakov |
�����: | 42 Mironositskaya Str., Kharkiv-2, 61002, Ukraine |
�������: | +38 057 700 34 09 |
����: | +38 057 700 34 47 |
E-mail: | info@metrology.kharkov.ua |
Web: | http://www.metrology.kharkov.ua/ |
NSC �Institute of Metrology�:
- carries out the fundamental scientific and applied scientific researches in the field of metrology;
- participates in the development of state programs on metrology, concepts of these programs and the concept of development of metrology system in Ukraine;
- carries out the research and development works related to the creation, improvement, maintenance, comparison, use of the national standards, the establishment of the systems of transferring the sizes of the of units of measurements (providing metrological traceability with account for the needs of the national economy and international experience);
- participates in the drafting of technical regulations of other legal and regulatory acts, as well as the normative documents in the field of metrology and metrological activity;
- performs functions of the Head Center of the Service of Universal Time and Reference Frequencies;
- performs functions of the scientific and methodological center of the Service of Reference Materials of Composition and Properties of Substances and Materials;
- coordinates the scientific and metrological activity related to the measurements and calculations of time in the territory of Ukraine;
- provides intersectional coordination and scientific-methodological support on works on the development and use of reference materials of composition and properties of substances and materials;
- performs the works on conformity assessment of legally regulated measuring instruments to the technical regulations in case of its appointment as a conformity assessment body;
- carries out the verification of legally regulated measuring instruments in operation according to the respective types and subtypes of measurements, which have internationally recognized calibration and measurement capabilities, and/or with the use of national standards, provided the empowerment to carry out the verification of the relevant measuring instruments;
- maintains and uses the national standards of the units of physical quantities in the types and subtypes of measurements assigned to it;
- carries out the calibrations of measuring instruments used in and/or out of the field of legally regulated metrology;
- carries out the measurements in the field of legally regulated metrology;
- develops measurement, verification and calibration techniques;
- provides the management of the information fund of national standards and reference materials appropriate for use in verification of legally regulated measuring instruments;
- provides cooperation with the international metrology organizations;
- ensures the activity of the national secretariats of international, intergovernmental and regional metrology organizations: CGPM, EASC, COOMET, EURAMET.
The State Enterprise "All-Ukrainian State Research and Production Center for Standardization, Metrology, Certification and Consumers' Rights Protection" (SE "Ukrmetrteststandart")
General Director: | Mr. Dmitry Sabatovich |
Address: | 4 Metrologichna Str., Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine |
Telephone: | +38 044 526 52 29 |
Fax: | +38 044 526 42 60 |
E-mail: | ukrcsm@ukrcsm.kiev.ua |
Web: | http://www.ukrcsm.kiev.ua |
SE "Ukrmetrteststandart":
- performs the coordination functions and methodical management of metrology service;
- is the scientific and methodological center of the Service of Reference Data on Physical Constants and Properties of Substances and Materials;
- provides the management of the register of approved types of measuring instruments of Ukraine;
- participates in the development of state programs on metrology, concepts of these programs and the concept of development of metrology system in Ukraine;
- carries out the research and development works directed on the creation, improvement, maintenance, comparison, use of the national standards, the establishment of the systems of transferring the sizes of the of units of measurements (providing metrological traceability with account for the needs of the national economy and international experience);
- participates in the drafting of technical regulations of other legal and regulatory acts, as well as the normative documents in the field of metrology and metrological activity;
- performs the works on conformity assessment of legally regulated measuring instruments to the technical regulations as a conformity assessment body;
- carries out the verification of legally regulated measuring instruments in operation;
- maintains and uses the national standards of the units of physical quantities in the types and subtypes of measurements assigned to it;
- carries out the calibrations of measuring instruments used in and/or out of the field of legally regulated metrology;
- carries out the measurements in the field of legally regulated metrology;
- develops measurement, verification and calibration techniques;
- provides the management of the information fund of national standards and reference materials appropriate for use in verification of legally regulated measuring instruments;
- provides cooperation with the international metrology organizations;
- ensures the activity of the national secretariat of International Organizations of Legal Metrology OIML.
The State Enterprise �Scientific-Research Institute for Metrology of Measurement and Control Systems� (DP NDI �Systema�)
Director: | Dr. Vasiliy Parakuda |
Address: | 6 Kryvonosa Str., Lviv, 79008, Ukraine |
Telephone: | +38 032 239 92 00 |
Fax: | +38 032 235 84 49 |
E-mail: | institute.systema@gmail.com, office@dndi-systema.lviv.ua |
Web: | https://www.dndi-systema.lviv.ua/ |
DP NDI �Systema�:
- carries out fundamental and applied scientific research in the field of acoustical, hydroacoustical and ultrasonic measurements;
- coordinates and provides scientific and methodological support aimed at ensuring the unity and traceability of measurements in the field of acoustics and ultrasound in Ukraine;
- coordinates the scientific and metrological activities relating to metrological support of measurement and control systems;
- serves as the secretariat of the National Technical Committee for Standardization in the field of quality management;
- participates in the drafting of technical regulations of other legal acts and normative documents in the field of metrology and metrological activity;
- performs conformity assessment of legally regulated measuring instruments to the technical regulations;
- carries out research and development works related to the creation, improvement, maintenance, comparison and use of national measurement standards of Ukraine;
- carries out verification of legally regulated measuring instruments for the assigned types and subtypes of measurements using the national standards;
- carries out calibration of measuring instruments used in the field of legally regulated metrology or outside it;
- cooperates with international metrological organizations.
General Director: | Mr. Oleh Korzhak |
Address: | 127, Vovchynetska Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, 76006, Ukraine |
Telephone: | +38 03425 3 56 17 |
Fax: | +38 03425 3 02 00 |
E-mail: | ifstandartmetrology@gmail.com |
Web: | http://www.ifdcsms.com.ua |
- carries out the fundamental scientific researches in the field of metrology, as well as the works related to the development and implementation of the state programs on metrology and conception of development of the metrological system of Ukraine in the field of measurements of gas volume and volume flow rate;
- carries out the applied scientific researches and scientific research works related to the creation, improvement, maintenance, comparison, and use of the national primary and secondary standards, the establishment of the systems of transferring the sizes of the of units of measurements;
- coordinates and carries out the scientific-methodological support of works on maintenance of uniformity of measurements in the field of measurements of gas volume and volume flow rate;
- carries out the conformity assessment of the measuring instruments;
- carries out the calibrations and verifications of the measuring instruments;
- carries out the measurements in the field of legally regulated metrology;
- provides the management of the information fund in the field of measurements of gas volume and volume flow rate;
- participates in the international cooperation on the measurements of gas volume and volume flow rate.
3. National measurement standards
Number of national measurement standards of Ukraine � 83.
4. Status of participation in Metre Convention
Member of the Metre Convention since 2018.
Signatory of the Mutual Recognition Agreement (CIPM MRA): Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine (October 14, 2003).
Designated Institutions:
- NSC "Institute of Metrology" (Has the right to use the CIPM MRA logo since March 23, 2007).
- SE "Ukrmetrteststandart" (Has the right to use the CIPM MRA logo from August 17, 2007).
- SE "IVANO-FRANKIVSKSTANDARTMETROLOGY" (Has the right to use the CIPM MRA logo from December 11, 2013).
- DP NDI "Systema" (Has the right to use the CIPM MRA logo from July 30, 2007).
The General Director of NSC "Institute of Metrology" (Prof. Pavel Neyezhmakov) is a CIPM member (since 2018).
Signatory of the Mutual Recognition Agreement (CIPM MRA): Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine (October 14, 2003).
Designated Institutions:
- NSC "Institute of Metrology" (Has the right to use the CIPM MRA logo since March 23, 2007).
- SE "Ukrmetrteststandart" (Has the right to use the CIPM MRA logo from August 17, 2007).
- SE "IVANO-FRANKIVSKSTANDARTMETROLOGY" (Has the right to use the CIPM MRA logo from December 11, 2013).
- DP NDI "Systema" (Has the right to use the CIPM MRA logo from July 30, 2007).
The General Director of NSC "Institute of Metrology" (Prof. Pavel Neyezhmakov) is a CIPM member (since 2018).
5. Certificates of recognition of QMS of NMIs (within COOMET)
NSC "Institute of Metrology" QMS confirmation of recognition (ISO/IEC 17025): QSF-R86 until 30.09.2026
SE "Ukrmetrteststandart" QMS confirmation of recognition (ISO/IEC 17025): QSF-R84 until 30.09.2026.
SE "Ukrmetrteststandart" QMS confirmation of recognition (ISO 17034): QSF-R85 until 30.09.2026.
DP NDI "Systema" QMS confirmation of recognition (ISO/IEC 17025): QSF-R46 until 15.02.2022 (extended until 01.08.2022 in accordance with a resolution of COOMET Presidential Council in view of the situation with the Covid-19 pandemic).
SE "IVANO-FRANKIVSKSTANDARTMETROLOGY" QMS confirmation of recognition (ISO/IEC 17025): QSF-R54 until 04.10.2023.
SE "Ukrmetrteststandart" QMS confirmation of recognition (ISO/IEC 17025): QSF-R84 until 30.09.2026.
SE "Ukrmetrteststandart" QMS confirmation of recognition (ISO 17034): QSF-R85 until 30.09.2026.
DP NDI "Systema" QMS confirmation of recognition (ISO/IEC 17025): QSF-R46 until 15.02.2022 (extended until 01.08.2022 in accordance with a resolution of COOMET Presidential Council in view of the situation with the Covid-19 pandemic).
SE "IVANO-FRANKIVSKSTANDARTMETROLOGY" QMS confirmation of recognition (ISO/IEC 17025): QSF-R54 until 04.10.2023.
6. Status of Calibration and measurement capabilities (CMC data)
KCDB database: https://www.bipm.org/kcdb/cmc/quick-search?keywords=ukraine
COOMET database: http://www.coomet.org/DB/com/index.htm?RU,CMC_RU,RU
7. OIML membership status
OIML Correspondent member.