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Russia |
last update: 01.08.2021
1. Law on metrology
The Federal Law of the Russian Federation on Assuring the Uniformity of Measurements No. 102-FL dated 26.06.2008 (as worded in Federal Laws No. 242-FZ of 18.07.2011, No. 347-FZ of 30.11.2011, No. 133-FZ of 28.07.2012, No. 338-FZ of 02.12.2013, No. 160-FZ of 23.06.2014, No. 254-FZ of 21.07.2014, No. 233-FZ of 13.07.2015, No. 496-FZ of December 27, 2019, which enters into force on September 24, 2020, No. 348-FZ of October 27, 2020, which enters into force on January 1, 2021, No. 429-FZ of December 8, 2020 (the article 87 of the law), which enters into force on December 8, 2020
Law text
The Law of the Russian Federation on Assuring the Uniformity of Measurements N 4871-I dated 27.04.1993 (as worded in Federal Laws of N 15-FZ 10.01.2003 ) (Has expired 26.06.2008)
Law text
2. Metrological infrastructure
Realization of this Law, fulfilment of metrological functions and terms of reference are approved by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation - No. 314 of 9 March, 2004 and No. 649 of 20 May, 2004 and Government Directives- No. 294 of 17 June, 2004 and No. 438 of 05 June, 2008, and are implemented by the Federal Agency on Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart) under the Federal Ministry of Industry and Energy (Minpromtorg of Russia).
Minpromtorg of Russia is a Federal Executive body responsible for the development of government policy and state regulation in the field of technical regulating, standardization and ensuring uniformity of measurements.
Rosstandart is a Federal Executive body responsible for providing government services and managing state property in the field of technical regulating, standardization and ensuring the uniformity of measurements.
The Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology (Rosstandart)
Head: | Mr. Anton Shalaev |
Address: | Presnenskaya embankment, 10, building 2, 123112, Moscow, Russia |
Telephone: | +7 (495) 547-51-55 |
E-mail: | pr.shalaeva@rst.gov.ru |
Web: | https://www.rst.gov.ru |
Deputy Head: | Mr. Evgeny Lazarenko |
Address: | Presnenskaya embankment, 10, building 2, 123112, Moscow, Russia |
Telephone: | +7 (495) 547 52 77 |
E-mail: | elazarenko@rst.gov.ru |
Head of Department of Metrology, State Supervision and Control: | Mr. Zahar Osoka |
Address: | Presnenskaya embankment, 10, building 2, 123112, Moscow, Russia |
Telephone: | +7 (495) 547-52-42 |
E-mail: | sgosnad@rst.gov.ru |
Rosstandart directs the work of the following:
- State Service of Time and Frequency and Determination of the Earth Rotation Parameters (SSTF);
- State Service of Reference Materials of the Composition and Properties of Substances and Materials (SSRM);
- State Service of Standard Reference Data of Physical Constants and Properties of Substances and Materials (SSSRD)
Rosstandart organizes the maintenance of the Federal information Fund for assuring the uniformity of measurements https://fgis.gost.ru/fundmetrology/registry
Under the responsibility of Rosstandart are national scientific metrology institutes (NMIs) and state regional centers for standardization, metrology and testing.
The main objectives of NMIs are conducting fundamental and applied scientific researches, experimental developments and scientific and technical activities in the field of assuring the measurements� uniformity; development, improvement, maintenance, comparison and application of national primary measurement standards (NPMS); the transfer of units from NPMS; participation in development of draft regulatory documents in the field of assuring the measurements� uniformity, conducting mandatory metrological expertise of requirements for measurements, reference materials and measuring instruments contained in draft normative acts of the Russian Federation; creating and maintaining the Federal Information Fund for assuring the measurements� uniformity (FIF AMU) and providing documents and information from the FIF; participating in international cooperation in the field of Metrology.
Federal State Unitary Enterprise "All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Metrology named after D.I. Mendeleev" (VNIIM)
General Director: | Mr. Anton Pronin |
Address: | 19 Moscovsky Prospect, 190005 Saint-Petersburg, Russia |
Telephone: | +7 812 251 76 01 |
E-mail: | info@vniim.ru |
Web: | http://vniim.ru |
Federal State Unitary Enterprise "All-Russian Research Institute of Physical Technical and Radio Technical Measurements" (VNIIFTRI)
General Director: | Dr. Sergey Donchenko |
Address: | Mendeleevo, Solnechnogorsky District, 141570, Moscow Region, Russia |
Telephone: | +7 (495) 526-63-00 |
E-mail: | director@vniiftri.ru |
Web: | http://vniiftri.ru |
Federal State Budgetary Institution "All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Optical and Physical Measurements" (VNIIOFI)
Director: | Dr. Ivan Filimonov |
Address: | 46 Ozernaya Str., 119361 Moscow, Russia |
Telephone: | +7 (495) 437-56-33 |
E-mail: | vniiofi@vniiofi.ru |
Web: | http://vniiofi.ru |
Federal State Budgetary Institution "All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Metrological Service" (VNIIMS)
Director: | Mr. Sergey Denisenko |
Address: | 46 Ozernaya Str., 119361 Moscow, Russia |
Telephone: | +7 (495) 437-37-29 |
E-mail: | office@vniims.ru |
Web: | http://vniims.ru |
A good deal of activity regarding the development, improvement, maintenance and use of national measurement standards, as well as conduct of fundamental and applies research in the field of metrology including elaboration of normative documents of measurement uniformity assurance is carried out by Metrology Institutes of Rosstandart, which are the centers of standards on the fixed types and areas of measurements. The majority of these institutes is specialized in specific fields of measurements and accredited as state test centers of measuring instruments and verification centers, as bodies on voluntary certification of measuring instruments.
In the Russian Federation, in order to assure the measurements uniformity, metrological services may be established in Federal Executive bodies; in state corporations, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs engaged in the field of assuring the measurements uniformity.
State regulation is executed in the following forms:
- type approval of reference materials or type of measuring instruments;
- verification of measuring instruments;
- metrological examination;
- Federal state metrological supervision; (as amended by the Federal law of 18.07.2011 N 242-FL)
- certification of measurement procedures;
- accreditation of legal entities and self-employed entrepreneurs to perform work and (or) render services in the field of assurance of measurement uniformity.
The state metrological supervision is carried out over:
- observance of obligatory requirements in sphere of state regulation of assurance of measurement uniformity to measurements, measurement units and also to standards, standard reference material, measuring instruments during their release from manufacture, import on territory of the Russian Federation, sale and application on territory of the Russian Federation;
- availability and observance of the certified measurement procedures.
International cooperation in the field of metrology is performed with the following organizations:
- International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML);
- International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM);
- Euro-Asian Cooperation of National Metrological Institutions (COOMET);
- Asia-Pacific Legal Metrology Forum (APLMF);
- Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (EASC);
- The Eurasian Economic Community (EAEC);
- other international and regional organizations.
Metrology institutes of the Russian Federation actively collaborate with national metrology centers of Germany, the USA, the United Kingdom, Slovakia, Japan, France, Korea, China, India, Belarus, Ukraine, etc.
The priority activities of regional centers for standardization, metrology and testing (FBU CSM), are: improvement, maintenance and use of national measurement standards used to ensure traceability; involvement in the provision of public services to ensure the uniformity of measurements in accordance with the scope of accreditation; conducting verification of measuring instruments included in the restrictive list of measuring instruments established by the Government of the Russian Federation; the transfer of measurement units from national measurement standards. At present, there are 74 FBU CSMs located in 8 Federal Districts in the Russian Federation located in 8 Federal districts.
3. National measurement standards
Russia has 158 primary standards. Information on all standards of the Russian Federation, as well as their distribution by measurement areas and State metrological research institutes is available at:
4. Status of participation in Metre Convention
Member of the Metre Convention since 1875.
Signatory of the Mutual Recognition Agreement (CIPM MRA): Rosstandard (October 14, 1999).
Representatives of metrology institutes of the Russian Federation participate in the work of all Consultative Committees of the international Bureau of weights and measures.
Designated institutions:
VNIIM is a signatory of the CIPM MRA and may use the CIPM MRA logo since October 14 2006.
VNIIFTRI is a signatory of the CIPM MRA and may use the CIPM MRA logo since November 13 2006.
VNIIOFI is a signatory of the CIPM MRA and may use the CIPM MRA logo since November 14 2006.
VNIIMS is a signatory of the CIPM MRA and may use the CIPM MRA logo since November 07 2006.
The information about the participation of the Russian Federation in the CIPM MRA is available at
Signatory of the Mutual Recognition Agreement (CIPM MRA): Rosstandard (October 14, 1999).
Representatives of metrology institutes of the Russian Federation participate in the work of all Consultative Committees of the international Bureau of weights and measures.
Designated institutions:
VNIIM is a signatory of the CIPM MRA and may use the CIPM MRA logo since October 14 2006.
VNIIFTRI is a signatory of the CIPM MRA and may use the CIPM MRA logo since November 13 2006.
VNIIOFI is a signatory of the CIPM MRA and may use the CIPM MRA logo since November 14 2006.
VNIIMS is a signatory of the CIPM MRA and may use the CIPM MRA logo since November 07 2006.
The information about the participation of the Russian Federation in the CIPM MRA is available at
5. Certificates of recognition of QMS of NMIs (within COOMET)
VNIIM (including UNIIM � affiliated branch of the D.I.Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology and VNIIR - affiliated
branch of the D.I.Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology) QMS confirmation of recognition (ISO/IEC 17025): QSF-R79 from 04.03.2021 until 04.03.2026
VNIIM (including UNIIM � affiliated branch of the D.I.Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology) QMS confirmation of recognition (ISO 17034): QSF-R80 from 04.03.2021 until 04.03.2026
VNIIOFI QMS confirmation of recognition (ISO/IEC 17025): QSF-R76 from 04.03.2021 until 04.03.2026
VNIIOFI QMS confirmation of recognition (ISO 17034): QSF-R77 from 04.03.2021 until 04.03.2026
VNIIFTRI (including branches West-Siberian (Novosibirsk) and East-Siberian (Irkutsk) QMS confirmation of recognition (ISO/IEC 17025): QSF-R78 from 04.03.2021 until 04.03.2026
VNIIMS QMS confirmation of recognition (ISO/IEC 17025): QSF-R75 from 04.03.2021 until 04.03.2026
VNIIM (including UNIIM � affiliated branch of the D.I.Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology) QMS confirmation of recognition (ISO 17034): QSF-R80 from 04.03.2021 until 04.03.2026
VNIIOFI QMS confirmation of recognition (ISO/IEC 17025): QSF-R76 from 04.03.2021 until 04.03.2026
VNIIOFI QMS confirmation of recognition (ISO 17034): QSF-R77 from 04.03.2021 until 04.03.2026
VNIIFTRI (including branches West-Siberian (Novosibirsk) and East-Siberian (Irkutsk) QMS confirmation of recognition (ISO/IEC 17025): QSF-R78 from 04.03.2021 until 04.03.2026
VNIIMS QMS confirmation of recognition (ISO/IEC 17025): QSF-R75 from 04.03.2021 until 04.03.2026
6. Status of Calibration and measurement capabilities (CMC data)
KCDB database: https://www.bipm.org/kcdb/cmc/quick-search?keywords=russia
COOMET database: http://www.coomet.org/DB/com/index.htm?RU,CMC_RU,RU
7. OIML membership status
OIML Member state
The specialists of Russian NMIs participate in work of all OIML TCs/PCs.
Russian Federation maintains the Secretariats of the following OIML TCs/PCs:
TC 15 "Measuring instruments for ionizing radiations" (VNIIFTRI);
TC 15/SC 1 "Measuring instruments for ionizing radiations used in medical applications" (VNIIFTRI);
TC 17 "Instruments for physico-chemical measurements" (VNIIM);
TC 17/SC 2 "Saccharimeters" (VNIIM);
TC 17/SC 3 "pH-metry" (VNIIFTRI);
TC 17/SC 4 "Conductometry" (VNIIM);
TC 17/SC 5 "Viscosimetry" (VNIIM);
TC 17/SC 6 "Gas analysis" (VNIIM);
TC 18/SC 4 "Bio-electrical instruments" (VNIIOFI);
TC 3/�� 3 "Reference materials" (VNIIM);
TC 7/�� 1 "Measuring instruments for length" (VNIIM);
TC 9/�� 4 "Densities" (VNIIM).
The information about the participation of Russian Federation in OIML TCs/PCs work is available at:
The specialists of Russian NMIs participate in work of all OIML TCs/PCs.
Russian Federation maintains the Secretariats of the following OIML TCs/PCs:
TC 15 "Measuring instruments for ionizing radiations" (VNIIFTRI);
TC 15/SC 1 "Measuring instruments for ionizing radiations used in medical applications" (VNIIFTRI);
TC 17 "Instruments for physico-chemical measurements" (VNIIM);
TC 17/SC 2 "Saccharimeters" (VNIIM);
TC 17/SC 3 "pH-metry" (VNIIFTRI);
TC 17/SC 4 "Conductometry" (VNIIM);
TC 17/SC 5 "Viscosimetry" (VNIIM);
TC 17/SC 6 "Gas analysis" (VNIIM);
TC 18/SC 4 "Bio-electrical instruments" (VNIIOFI);
TC 3/�� 3 "Reference materials" (VNIIM);
TC 7/�� 1 "Measuring instruments for length" (VNIIM);
TC 9/�� 4 "Densities" (VNIIM).
The information about the participation of Russian Federation in OIML TCs/PCs work is available at: