Bosnia and Herzegovina
COOMET MoU year of signing:2013 (associate member)
Area:51 197 km2
Population:3.84 million
last update: 15.04.2021

1. Law on metrology
The Law on Metrology of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 19/01).
2. Metrological infrastructure
Metrological infrastructure of Bosnia and Herzegovina:
  • Institute of Metrology of Bosnia and Herzegovina (IMBIH);
  • Two designated institutes (owners of national standards);
  • Organizations working in the field of metrology;
  • Accredited calibration laboratories;
  • Designated metrology laboratories and bodies (for example, calibration laboratories);
  • Conformity assessment bodies for measuring instruments.
Institute of Metrology of Bosnia and Herzegovina (IMBIH) пїЅ representing National Metrology Institute in Bosnia and Herzegovina, directly responsible to the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina. IMBIH is responsible for the establishment of a comprehensive measuring system in Bosnia and Herzegovina with traceability to the International System of Units, SI.
Areas of IMBIHпїЅs work are:
  • Scientific Metrology;
  • Legal Metrology;
  • Industrial Metrology.
General Director:Dr. Zijad Dzemic
Address:Branilaca Sarajeva 25, 71000, Sarajevo
Telephone:+387 (0) 33 568 901
Fax:+387 (0) 33 568 909
IMBIHпїЅs responsibilities regarding Scientific Metrology:
  • Realization and maintenance of national measurement standards ensuring their traceability to the internationally recognized measurement standards пїЅ realization of SI base and derived units;
  • Establishment of distributed measurement system by appointing other legal entity for performing responsibilities of national measurement standard holder;
  • Membership in RMOs and active participation in their activities;
  • Promotion of metrology;
  • To support research and development in all areas of metrology.
IMBIHпїЅs responsibilities regarding Legal Metrology:
  • Issuance of bylaws in accordance with Law on Metrology;
  • Supervision of the implementation of Law on Metrology;
  • Nomination of laboratories dealing with verification;
  • Nomination of bodies for conformity assessment (MID and NAWI and non-harmonized area);
  • Nomination of bodies for control of prepacked products;
  • Issuance and acceptance of Type approval.
IMBIH's Membership in International Organizations:
  • EMRP (European Metrology Research Programme) - Member since 2013
  • EURAMET (European Association of National Metrology Institutes) - Member since 2009
  • IAAO (International Association Assay Office) - Observer since 2010
  • WELMEC (European cooperation in legal metrology) - Member since 2019
  • GULFMET (Regional Metrology Organization of Gulf countries) - Associate Member since 2013
4. Status of participation in Metre Convention
Bosnia and Herzegovina is an associate member of the CGPM since 2011.
Mutual Recognition Agreement (CIPM MRA) signatory: Institute of Metrology of Bosnia and Herzegovina (IMBIH) (June 15, 2011).
(Has the right to use the CIPM MRA logo from August 10, 2012)

Designated Institutions:
In the field of chemistry, water, fresh water and polluted water Institut za vode d.o.o. Bijeljina (IW).
In the field of mass and related quantities, fluid flow, volumetric gas flow: KJKP Sarajevogas d.o.o. Sarajevo (LABSAGAS)
5. Certificates of recognition of QMS of NMIs (within COOMET)
Bosnia and Herzegovina receives its NMI QMS recognition within EURAMET.
IMBIH has fully implemented following standards in its QMS: ISO/IEC 17025; ISO/IEC 17020; ISO/IEC 17043; ISO 9001; ISO/IEC 27001.
6. Status of Calibration and measurement capabilities (CMC data)
Bosnia and Herzegovina publishes its CMC data within EURAMET.