Event, Date, place |
Documents, Decisions |
1991 |
1st Committee Meeting
 | November, 13 - 14 Warsaw, Poland |
Minutes , �greement , �greement |
1992 |
2th Committee Meeting
 | June, 02 - 03 Warsaw, Poland |
Minutes , �greement |
1993 |
3th Committee Meeting
 | March, 17 - 19 Berlin,Germany |
Minutes , �greement , �greement |
1994 |
4th Committee Meeting
 | April, 19 - 20 Bratislava, Slovakia |
Robert Spurny Slovakia was elected as the President of COOMET. E.Kromkova was appointed as the head of the Secretariat |
1995 |
5th Committee Meeting
 | April, 04 - 05 Bratislava, Slovakia |
Minutes , �greement |
1997 |
7th Committee Meeting
 | April, 23 - 25 Braunshweig, Germany |
Minutes , �greement |
1998 |
8th Committee Meeting
 | May, 12 - 13 �insk, Belarus |
Vladimir Belotserkovsky Russia was elected as the President of COOMET. B.Gorshkov was appointed as the head of the Secretariat |
1999 |
9th Committee Meeting
 | May, 12 - 13 Moskow, Russia |
Minutes , �greement |
2000 |
10th Committee Meeting
 | May, 25 - 26 �lmaty, ��������� |
Minutes , �greement |
2001 |
11th Committee Meeting
 | April, 25 - 26 Kishenev, Moldova |
Nikolay Zhagora Belarus was elected as the President of COOMET L. Astafijeva was appointed as the head of the Secretariat |
2002 |
12th Committee Meeting
 | May, 06 - 07 Havana, Cuba |
Minutes , �greement |
2004 |
14th Committee Meeting
 | May, 27 - 28 Albena, Bulgaria |
Minutes , �greement |
2006 |
16th Committee Meeting
 | September, 04 - 05 Braunschweig, Germany |
Minutes , �greement |
2007 |
17th Committee Meeting
 | April, 24 - 25 Minsk, Belarus |
Minutes , �greement , �greement
Goryslav Sidorenko Ukraine was elected as the President of COOMET. P.Neyezhmakov was appointed as the head of the Secretariat |
2010 |
20th Committee Meeting
 | April, 21 - 22 Astana, Kazakhstan |
Minutes , �greement |
2012 |
22nd Committee Meeting
 | April, 18 - 19 Cholpon-Ata,Kyrgyzstan |
Vladimir Krutikov Russia was elected as the President of COOMET. S.Komissarov was appointed as the head of the Secretariat |
2013 |
23th Committee Meeting
 | June, 4 - 7 Nizhny Novgorod, Russia |
Minutes , �greement
2014 |
24th Committee Meeting
 | April, 16 - 17 Yekaterinburg, Russia |
Minutes , �greement |
2016 |
26th Committee Meeting
 | April, 20 - 21 Erevan, Armenia |
Minutes , �greement |
2017 |
27th Committee Meeting
April, 26 - 28 Minsk, Belarus |
Valery Hurevich Belarus was elected as the President of COOMET.
(inaugurated in April 2018)
N.Lyakhova was appointed as the head of the Secretariat
2018 |
28th Committee Meeting
April, 11 - 12 IMBIH, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina |
2021 |
32nd extraordinary COOMET Committee meeting
Termination of membership DPR of Korea and Romania
2023 |
34th COOMET Committee meeting
 | 23-24 May Astana, Kazakhstan & online |
Gabit Mukhambetov Kazakhstan was elected the COOMET President.
(assumption of office – May 2024)
Termination of membership DPR of Korea and DPR of Korea
2023 |
Termination of membership Lithuania
2023 |
35 th extraordinary COOMET Committee meeting
Gabit Mukhambetov Kazakhstan Early assumption of the COOMET President's office.
was appointed the Head of Secretariat A.Rakhadinova
2023 |
Termination of membership Ukraine